Jump Start Your Summer Savings

New to grocery smarts? The best way to jump start your savings is by hosting a FREE class! In your free class you'll learn how to use the free grocery smarts website, tips on how to save big at the store by combining coupons and sales, and if you need coupons I can help set you up with a sweet deal for the Sunday only paper! Contact me to book your class.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Are you still looking for a preschool?

I don't often blog here about my preschool adventures but as the new school year is almost here for the first time since I began teaching preschool, 4 years ago, I find myself with a very small 4-5 year old class enrollment.  If you have a child just one year away from kindergarten and are still looking for a preschool for them to attend might I suggest me? : )

I have a preschool website here with some basic information and I welcome any calls or e-mails with questions you may have.

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