Jump Start Your Summer Savings

New to grocery smarts? The best way to jump start your savings is by hosting a FREE class! In your free class you'll learn how to use the free grocery smarts website, tips on how to save big at the store by combining coupons and sales, and if you need coupons I can help set you up with a sweet deal for the Sunday only paper! Contact me to book your class.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Its no secret that by being a Grocery Smarts instructor I get to offer AMAZING prices on the Review Journals Sunday only paper. If you didn't know that before you do now ; )

Well the big news is that the RJ has made two MAJOR changes involving their Sunday papers in the last week. Here they are:

1) The price of the Sunday Paper paper has gone up from $2.50 to $3.00
2) The Sunday paper is no longer available at the dollar store

Now here is the GREAT news for you guys:
Our price HAS NOT CHANGED! You can still get your Sunday paper for as little as $.75an issue!! And for all you dollar store shoppers (yes I know you are out there) I can't wait to help you get your Sunday paper delivered to you for the best price in town. How sweet is that we are getting our Sunday papers for almost 70% off!?!

I am currently booking classes for April and May. Contact me so I can help you and your friends learn how to shop smart, save tons of money and get the best price on the Sunday paper in town!

Call me @ 553-2080
or e-mail me at lvsavingmadesimple@gmail.com

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