Jump Start Your Summer Savings

New to grocery smarts? The best way to jump start your savings is by hosting a FREE class! In your free class you'll learn how to use the free grocery smarts website, tips on how to save big at the store by combining coupons and sales, and if you need coupons I can help set you up with a sweet deal for the Sunday only paper! Contact me to book your class.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Do You Have A BYU fan at your house? If yes than here's a great FREE Chirstmas present!!!

If you have a BYU fan at your house (or know one) you might enjoy this deal I saw that Jennifer over at TheBudgetter posted a few days ago. Through December 5'th you can get a free BYU bennie and free shipping with any on-line purchase. The Sale/Promotion area has some super cute totes for $1.99-$2.99!
Make sure you add both the bennie and free shipping promotion code to your cart.

These are my girls favorites. (My youngest is obsessed with Giraffes and her favorite color is green. Can you say PERFECT Christmas present or what!)

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